Kingdom Practice
Week 3


This week, we are engaging in the practice of “the open chair,” which is a way of understanding the process of spiritual transformation. In this practice, we arrange two chairs, one for us and one that will remain empty in a physical sense, but which we place next to or across from us as a tangible reminder of God’s role in the transformation of our soul. Between these chairs is our soul, a thing to be restored to Christ-likeness and wholeness in partnership with God. God offers us his grace, forgiveness, and power. But he never forces these on us; we must slow ourselves, sit down in his presence, and bring our brokenness and openness to him.

Sitting down in your quiet time with an open chair next to or across from you is a reminder that for transformation to occur, two people are required – you and God. God is inviting you to open your heart, surrender your control, and turn over your brokenness to his grace, power, and forgiveness.

The Open Chair.

Here is one way to engage in the practice of the open chair…
Arrange the Open Chair. In your time with God each day this week, pull up an open chair next to or across from the one you sit in. Quiet your body and take several deep breaths.
Pray. Offer this prayer with your palms open: I am here in your presence, Lord. In this moment, I open my heart to your healing grace. I offer my brokenness for your forgiveness and redemption. I surrender my desire to control and command.
Listen. Sit quietly and simply listen for what God is speaking to you. If your mind starts to run with thoughts of your day or to-do lists, take a couple breaths and pray the prayer above again to re-center yourself and try listening again.
Read. Read the Scripture passages listed below as a reminder of God’s promises to restore and transform you.

Daily Scripture Readings

Monday: Ephesians 4:7-13
Tuesday: James 1:2-4
Wednesday: 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
Thursday: Hebrews 5:12-6:1
Friday: Hebrews 12:1-3
Saturday: Philippians 1:3-6

Additional Resources

Article: Spiritual Formation as a Natural Part of Salvation, Dallas Willard

Book: Discovering Soul Care, Mindy Caliguire

Video: Two Chairs: The Process of Spiritual Formation

World class Artwork:  (Mindy’s drawing from Sunday night)…

Mindy's Spiritual Formation drawing

Mindy’s Spiritual Formation drawing