Practice Students
We deeply value the presence and participation of our middle and high school students in our gatherings, but we also recognize how important it is for them to have a place of their own to connect. We want to help our students and families cultivate an identity grounded in belovedness through a welcoming community and spiritual practices, so we can join the Holy Spirit’s kingdom work in the world.
Our student ministry is just getting off the ground. Once a month (typically on the third Sunday) we spend time together after the service. We may go bowling, mini-golfing, or hit up an escape room. In this time, we are getting to know one another and starting to build a welcoming community. Now is a perfect time to join us!
Student Ministries Values
Please click on the titles below to learn. more about how our student ministry values map to the Practice Church values.
Presence: Walking with Jesus
Because we value presence, our student ministry will:
- Cultivate an interactive relationship with God.
- Focus on growing to recognize and respond to God’s presence in our everyday lives (at school and work, while spending time with our friends and families).
- Ground ourselves in God’s deep, personal love.
Formation: Becoming like Jesus
Because we value formation, our student ministry will:
- Engage spiritual practices as a way of building a foundation for apprenticeship to Jesus.
- Develop our ability to hear God and discern the way of Jesus in a complex and anxious world.
Community: Coming together in Jesus
Because we value community, our student ministry will:
- Be a safe place to develop meaningful relationships with other students.
- Be a safe place to experience meaningful, intergenerational relationships.
- Serve parents as we seek to invite students in the way of Jesus together.
Hospitality: Loving like Jesus
Because we value hospitality, our student ministry will:
- Be a welcoming space for all students where it is safe to ask hard questions about God and faith.
- Grow to be present to one another in times of celebration and times of grief.
For the Sake of the World
We will seek to step outside of ourselves and join the Spirit’s kingdom work in the world through serving opportunities.