Practicing and Becoming Community

Our next four weeks together…


Over the last couple months, we’ve begun re-arrangingĀ our livesĀ to put Jesus’ words into practice. If you’re like me, it’s been three steps forward and two steps back, but God keeps carrying us on. Amen. We’re finding that the Christian life is not about perfect performance…but learning to getĀ swept up in the unforced rhythms of Grace. And THAT is some good news!

But we can’t do it alone. We need a tribe. We need fellow Practitioners to walk with us,Ā carry us, and be God’s hands and feet. And they need us too.

So in June, let’s diveĀ intoĀ Community. We get to learn from three brilliant mentors about God’s gift ofĀ community, and then practice the toolsĀ to lean into it. June will be a highly practical, practice-oriented month.Ā Ā 

Our prayer is that everyĀ one of us will take aĀ step into Community by the end ofĀ June. Would you join us in this prayer: “God, who can I walk with in this next season? Please help me find my tribe.”

June 8 – Spiritual Listening (Sibyl Towner)
June 15 – A Theology of Community (Dr Bilezikian)
June 22 – Transformational Groups (Mindy Caliguire)
June 29 – Celebration Feast

June mentors

June mentors


Sybil Towner.
It’s hard to walk around Willow and NOT bump into someone who has been deeply impacted by Sybil Towner. For the last 20 years, Sybil has been a relentlessly redemptive force for good and beauty in the souls of so many people around here. (More) On June 8th, she will lay out a vision and practice for HOW we can hear from God on behalf of each other. Her “3 Way Listening” framework is profoundly helpful for becoming a healthy community, and we will practice it together.

Dr B.
About two hundred years ago, Bill Hybels sat in the class of Dr Bilezikian. This revolutionary vision and passion for the local church launched Bill and a few friends to flesh it out into Willow Creek. (More) Ā On June 15th, we’ve asked Dr B to go back to the beginning and give us a foundational theology of community – followed by a time of Q&A. This is like getting to ask Obi Wan to teach about the force. Such an honor to have him with us!

Mindy Caliguire.
We can’t overstate how influential Mindy has been on The Practice. Her wisdom, teaching, and spirit has lead our community in many ways, and anchored us in the “unforced rhythms of Grace”. (More) On June 22nd, Mindy will teach from her book STIR, and lead us in practices for each of the three stages of spiritual growth. One-size-fits-all doesn’t work! Check out thisĀ description of STIRĀ to learn more…


I can’t wait to go on this journey with you all. See you Sunday!

Aaron and the Practice team