
Preparing for Our Four-Week Experience


This is the week we’re starting our four-week summer experience, A Taste of Listen to My Life!  I’ve read through the materials and am really looking forward to gathering with my little tribe to begin our journey.  Part of me wants to just launch into the first session today, but I also know that I often have better experiences when my heart is prepared.  So, I’m practicing Lectio Divina on the story recorded in Luke 24:13-35 when Jesus encountered his disciples as they walked along the road to Emmaus.  I am also praying that God will prepare me to receive all he has for me through this summer experience.  Here’s my prayer.  Feel free to make it your own as you prepare!

Father in heaven, thank you for the example of community you have provided.  Thank you for planting the desire in me to know and be known.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to gather in a little tribe to engage in spiritual listening.  Prepare my heart this week so I am humble to receive all that you have to teach me, attentive and patient in my listening, and can see the Lord Jesus at the center of this experience.  I open my heart, my hands, and my ears, hungry to know you more and experience the kind of intimate, truthful, and grace-giving community you desire for me.  Start something in these four weeks, Lord, something that will transform me and conform me into your likeness.  Bless and guide every person in this community, reveal your nearness to the lonely and brokenhearted, and give each of us courage and strength to share our stories and listen as you would to the stories of others.

In Jesus’ name,

Don’t forget, a great team will be leading a facilitated experience at Willow in Room B207 from 7-9 p.m. on July 13, July 20, July 27, and August 3 if you don’t yet have a tribe.  And if you still need the A Taste of Listen to My Life packet, they are available for purchase at Seeds Bookstore for $15.00.  (But again, if money is an issue, please let me know, [email protected])
