Notice. Pray. Live. Hopefully this week has been full of opportunities to notice God’s presence through his kingdom coming in the now of our everyday lives. Perhaps however, for some of us, the noticing has only led to moments of absence or places where God’s presence couldn’t feel farther away. Whether this week has been full of life in the now or not-yet, we wanted to offer an encouraging word from one of our trusted guides in what it means to notice, pray and live the kingdom of God in our lives. N.T. Wright in his new book entitled, Simply Good News, offers us an encouraging word by reminding us what the good news that we share in is all about: 

“So how might we in turn summarize the good news—both the good news announced by Jesus and the good news that his first followers announced when they talked about him later on?

The good news is that the one true God has now taken charge of the world, in and through Jesus and his death and resurrection….The good news was, and is, that all this has happened in and through Jesus; that one day it will happen, completely and utterly, to all creation; and that we humans, every single one of us, whoever we are, can be caught up in that transformation here and now. This is the Christian gospel. Do not allow yourself to be fobbed off with anything less.” (N.T. Wright, pg. 53)

What incredibly good news! The one true God has taken charge of the world through Jesus and is inviting us to participate with him in its transformation, even as eagerly yearn for Christ to come again. As N.T. Wright so eloquently urged, do not be “fobbed off” with anything less friends, for you and I have a role to play.  If any would like to read further, we highly recommend that you pick up N.T. Wright’s new book on Amazon as a great way to dive further in to the grand story of Jesus that is, quite simply, good news.
Happy Reading – and may we all continue the practice of notice, pray, and live until God’s kingdom fully comes! 

Grace and Peace,

John and the Practice team