

As a community learning the unforced rhythms of Grace, we’re quite excited about this summer. Rather than meeting every Sunday night, our Summer rhythm is all about creating space:  to play, unplug, deepen relationships, learn, and let God lead us into the next year of practice.  May God plant seeds in this holy space…


Practice Potluck BBQs of Glory and Goodness
Thursday, July 16th and 23rd
We’re so excited about this.  Each BBQ will involve three things: (1) A mighty potluck dinner, (2) A chance to do something fun together, and (3) A campfire liturgy.  Part of the night will be open to hang, but we’ll also offer a framework to practice together. (We are “The Practice”, after all!)
You’ll hear from Rhianna next week with every detail–what to bring, location, and all other info.  Hope you can join us both nights!


Two Practice Gatherings
Sunday, August 2nd and 9th
The Willow Chapel
It will be so great to gather back together in The Chapel to worship, pray for the world, practice together, and receive The Eucharist.
Fr Michael


Practice Retreat
Sunday, August 16th
Bellarmine Retreat House in Barrington
If you are a part of the practice community, we really hope you can join us for this day away.  Fr Michael Sparough SJ will guide the morning (9-noon), we’ll spend the afternoon (12-4) continuing the conversation in various ways, and then we’ll end with a dinner feast that culminates in the Eucharist.  I can’t wait to see what God does in our community on this day.  (Once again, Rhianna and her team will be in contact shortly with more details and a way to sign up.)
May God’s will be done in and through our community this summer. May we continue to learn and practice together.  May our friendships grow and deepen.  And may we have a ton of fun.
Grace and peace,
Aaron and The Practice Team