Last night, we prayed a heartbreaking and yet beautiful liturgy for the world. John and Jenny Potter wrote and lead this powerful Prayers of the People for Syrian refugees, the systemic racism in our country, and our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, carried by the music of The Brilliance “Prayers of the People“. May these words move, disturb, and encourage you today…
You can download the full text HERE.
And here is the whole Order of Practice for the night.
Grace and peace.
In reading the Prayers of the People, I forgot completely that John and Jenny Potter are my own. I found myself crying out silently, but authentically. I had the pleasure of worshiping with The Practice in one of my visits to Chicago. The entire experience truly touched me. I am still trying to practice my contemplative prayer! Thank you for answering a call to bring the ancient to the present. Thank you for such meaningful moments
In Christ’s love,
Shelley Potter