practicekidsfb 2Good news, Practice Tribe (at least those of us with kids)! Practice Kids is back by popular demand. We will be offering a safe, secure space for kids to be while their parents participate in our worship gathering all 2017 long–beginning on Sunday, January 15th. Read below for the details: 

What It Is: A safe, secure space for kids whose parents are at the Practice to play, do homework, etc. Kids will be cared for by the same Protection-cleared, background-checked people who work with Willow Creek ministries like MOPS, Care4Kids, and FPU.

What It’s Not: A worship experience for kids or a “children’s ministry”. For now we want to focus on keeping kids safe and cared for while their parents are worshipping.

Who: Kids from birth to 5th grade (birth-3 years in one room, kids 4 years-5th grade in another).

Where: In the Promiseland space at the base of Willow’s main “waterfall” staircase. Older kids will be in the Blue Sky 1 room, and younger kids will be in Promiseland’s Infant/Toddler space.

When: Check-in will open at 5:30, and kids will need to be picked up by 8:00. Do come a little early to make sure you have time to get back to the Chapel by 6:00!

How Much: Free!

What Do I Need to Do: If you have questions, or are interested in using The Practice Kids send Curtis an email at [email protected] so we can have an accurate count of how many kids to expect.

Grace and peace,
Curtis at The Practice Team