It is always a blessing to have Sibyl Towner at The Practice, and last night was no exception. We opened with a beautiful liturgy celebrating the risen Christ and entering into the story of Thomas (John 20:19-29) with the Ignatian practice of imaginative prayer.
Then, Sibyl led us into an examination of our stories. “Telling our stories is to the spirit,” Sibyl said, “what the flow of blood is to your body.” We long to live in our stories aware of God’s presence. Sibyl modeled and led us in a practice exploring some of the most influential experiences in our lives.

Because it is impossible to summarize Sibyl, have a listen to the podcast.
Kingdom Practices
Our kingdom practice for the week is to continue listening to your story. Make some time to sit with the final question, “What could have helped you grow even more?” Continue to listen for the presence of God in these moments.
If you would like to go deeper listening for the presence of God in your story, Sibyl has some incredible resources at