In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. After spending time earlier this year walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11) and the blessing (Genesis 12-50), we turn our attention to Exodus. If you missed the previous series, you can check out the links above or the handouts here and here.

Week 1: The Story
In the first week of our series, we walked in the opening movement of Exodus. Exodus asks the question, “Who is Yahweh,” and the story invites us to watch and see how Yahweh’s identity is revealed in the deliverance of the Israelites. 

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s continue to walk in the story of Exodus. What stands out to you in the story? What do you wonder about? This week, continue to ponder that part of the story. Think about it as you go about your day. Maybe you’ll do a little reading on the topic or have a conversation with someone. But whatever you do, continue to walk in the story.

Week 2: Torah
This week, Dr. John Walton invited us to think differently about the Torah sections of scripture. Rather than seeing them as a modern legal code, what if we sawe them as an invitation to grow in wisdom? Dr. Walton says Torah “offers us wisdom to understand the scope and range of holiness to guide us in forging an identity that correlates with the holy status we have been given as a new covenant people of God.”

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s continue to walk in Torah. W
e recognize that a shift in perspective can take some time to settle into, so let’s continue to reflect on the how we might be sensing an invitation to a new perspective on Torah. Perhaps it is to see Torah as wisdom rather than law or holiness as a status given by God or how we can read scripture asking how it fits in the ‘God box’ not the ‘me box.’ As we reflect, let’s consider what we might need to let go of for the sake of the new perspective and what gifts the new perspective offers.

Week 3: Tabernacle
This week, we walked into the third and final movement of Exodus. As the Israelites receive instructions for building the tabernacle we are reminded over and over of Eden. These reminders show us the order created by Torah is like the order created in Eden. It’s purpose is to create a space for Yahweh to be present with us.

Kingdom Practice
This week, we want to continue walking in the promise of God’s presence. In a season that feels heavy for so many in our community, how can we walk through life feeling the weight of Yahweh’s promise to be with us?

Additional Resources

The Lost World of the Torah by John Walton
Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Imes
The Presence of God by J. Ryan Lister
Wisdom for Faithful Reading by John Walton
The Pastor by Eugene Peterson

The Bible Project Classroom Exodus Overview this is a detailed walk through the Exodus story with Carmen Imes

Exodus 1-18 a video overview from The Bible Project
Exodus 19-40 a video overview from The Bible Project

Exodus Scroll a podcast series overview of the Exodus story
The Naked Bible Podcast a series on the book of Exodus by Bible scholar Michael Heiser

Passover Us a song by Urban Doxology
My Deliverer a song by Rich Mullins
Deliver Us a song by Andrew Peterson


If you have a story to share about how you have been encountering God in this season, we would love to hear it

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