In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. Last year we began our journey walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11), the blessing (Genesis 12-50), the exodus, and the wilderness. If you missed the previous series, you can check out the links above.

In this series, we will join the Israelites as they enter the promised land. We will explore the themes of Joshua and Judges, noticing how God’s invitation continues to echo from the very beginning. What might the text have to say about our own stories as we consider the successes and struggles of the Israelites?

Week 1: Joshua 
In the first week of our series, we explored the story of Joshua. We noticed God’s resistance to the kind of in or out determinations to which we so quickly jump. And we considered how we can abide in God’s rest, provision, and dwelling presence, so that we might join God in extending these kingdom blessings to others as we reflect God’s will and ways.

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s continue to walk in the story of Joshua. What stands out to you in Nicole’s teaching? What do you wonder about? This week, continue to ponder whatever God was drawing to your attention. Think about it as you go about your day. Maybe you’ll do a little reading on the topic or have a conversation with someone. But whatever you do, continue to walk in God’s story.

Week 2: The Conquest Narratives
In our second week of the series, Dr. Walton helped us explore some of the troubling passages of Joshua. He said, these stories are really about making room for God’s presence. The land, the text teaches us, does not belong to the Canaanites or Israel. The land belongs to Yahweh and is an important part of God’s plan for redeeming all of creation.

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s contiunue to walk in the story by making room in our own lives for Yahweh’s presence. If you sensed an invitation from God in our practice to take some intentional step, let’s respond to that invitation. And let’s keep out ears tuned to the Holy Spirit and notice where in our lives we might need to clear spac for the presence of Yahweh.

Week 3: Judges
In the third week of our series, Jason Hitchcock invited us to consider how the story of Judges demonstrates the faithful love of God in the midst of Israelite failure. We see God’s desire for the people’s good, and how hope is able to grow in desperate places.

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s continue to walk in the story of Judges. What stood out to you in Jason’s teaching? What do you wonder about? This week, continue to ponder whatever God was drawing to your attention. Think about it as you go about your day. Maybe you’ll do a little reading on the topic or have a conversation with someone. But whatever you do, continue to walk in the story of God’s faithful love.

Additional Resources

The Lost World of the Torah by John Walton
The Presence of God by J. Ryan Lister
Wisdom for Faithful Reading by John Walton
The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest by John Walton and J. Harvey Walton

Joshua a video overview from The Bible Project
Judges a video overview from The Bible Project
Joshua & Judges a video from Dr. Michelle Knight

Numbers: Joshua: The New Adam and Moses a podcast episode from The Bible Project
Chaos Dragon E6: Women Who Slayed Dragons a podcast episode from The Bible
Understanding the Book of Judges a podcast with Michelle Knight

Perelandra by C.S. Lewis

If you have a story to share about how you have been encountering God in this season, we would love to hear it

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