The majority of our journey in 2025 will be oriented toward the presence and work of Jesus that we see in the Gospels. We begin this journey with the help of the church calendar, celebrating and reflecting on some key moments in Christ’s story.

Week 1: Epiphany
This week, we walked in the story of Epiphany, from the visit of the Magi to Christ’s time in Egypt. Kent invited us to consider how the story invites us to reflect on how Jesus came to do what we are incapable of, and in that truth we can know we have nothign to prove and nothing to lose.

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s lean into the practice Kent guided us into on Sunday morning. We all have moments when we fall short of who we want to be, moments of disappointment or frustration. What if these moments are not opportunities to beat ourselves up, but instead invitations to connect with God. Can we thank God for doing what we cannot, and can we be reminded that in Christ, we have nothing to prove and nothing to lose?

Week 2: The Baptism of Christ
This week, Kirsten invited us to consider the question, “Who am I?” As we celebrated the baptism of Christ, we explored how this moment answered the question about Jesus, and what we too can learn from his baptism.

Kingdom Practice
Kirsten invited us into the practice of rest. So often the disordered ways in which we try to answer the question, “Who am I?” involve a great deal of activity. So, how can we rest in the unshakable truth that we are God’s beloved kids? Kirsten invited us to consider how we need to rest, so  let’s make time at least twice this week to rest and soak in our belovedness.

Week 3: The Temptation of Christ
This week, Mimi Dixon invited us to consider the temptation of Jesus. What temptations did he face in the wilderness, how do we face the same temptations, and how can we turn our attention to find rest and freedom in the depth of God’s love and goodness?

Kingdom Practice
Mimi invited us to consider three common temptations: the temptation to seek what we don’t have, strive to prove we are worth of love, or grasp for control and make something happen. This week, what if we made time each day to sit with Jesus and simply ponder whichever temptation most resonates with us. As we reflect with Jesus on how this temptation plays out in our lives each day, I wonder how Jesus might respond? What insight or realization might he offer? How might Jesus be with us in the wrestling? How might we encounter his love and care as we reflect?

Week 4: The Transfiguration
This week, Dr. Gary Burge guided our reflection on the Transfiguration of Christ. In this Gospel moment, the veil between heaven and earth grows exceptionally thin, and the Biblical story from the exodus to the resurrection is tied together. This kind of encounter with Jesus can carry us through the often troubling times in which we live.

Kingdom Practice
This week, we want to be intentional about the image of Jesus that we hold as we pray. Perhaps there is an image of Christ that comes from a particularly profound moment in our journey, or maybe we will return to the imaginative prayer we practiced Sunday morning. As we set aside time to pray this week, let’s keep in mind this image of Jesus in the fullness of his glory and power.

Additional Resources

Epiphany by Fleming Rutledge
In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen
Deeply Rooted in Christ by Joshua Chonmin Kang
Discipled by Jesus by Robert Gelinas
Invitation to the Jesus Life by Jan Johnson
Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen

Seeing Clearly by Jamie Cain

The Messiah a Bible Project Video
The Mountain a study and video by the Bible Project

Something Bright, Something Shining by Jon and Valerie Guerra

Baptism of Christ Imaginative Prayer

The Baptism of Christ II by Daniel Bonnell

If you have a story to share about how you have been encountering God in this season, we would love to hear it

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