In this series, we will be sharing why we are leaning on the Apostles’ Creed as the Order of Faith (commonly known as a Statement of Faith) for our church community. What does the creed say? What does it mean? And how does it influence what we do as a church community? This is going to be an important series for our community.

Week 1: God the Father
This week, we considered the first movement of the creed. We recognize that belief is more than intellectual agreement, but involves trust and a “readiness to act as if what we believe is true.” (Dallas Willard) God, the Father almighty is a personal, relational God, who invites us to live in relationship and find the life of love, joy, and peace that we desire in our Creator.

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s commit to reciting the Apostles’ Creed together daily. But let’s not just run through the words recklessly. Let’s recite the creed slowly, reflectively, and prayerfully. Let’s remember what these words mean and seek to trust in God, our Father almighty.

Week 2: Jesus Christ
This week, we considered the second movement of the creed. Bill invited us to consider the person of Jesus, his divinity and his humanity.

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s commit to reciting the Apostles’ Creed together daily. But let’s not just run through the words recklessly. Let’s recite the creed slowly, reflectively, and prayerfully. Let’s remember what these words mean and seek to trust in God, our Father almighty.


Week 3: The Holy Spirit
This week, we considered the third movement of the creed. Jason invited us to reflect on the work of the Holy Spirit.

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s commit to reciting the Apostles’ Creed together daily. But let’s not just run through the words recklessly. Let’s recite the creed slowly, reflectively, and prayerfully. Let’s remember what these words mean and seek to trust in God, our Father almighty.


Additional Resources
The Apostles’ Creed by Ben Myers
The Apostles’ Creed For All God’s Children by Natasha Kennedy and Ben Myers
The Apostles’ Creed by A.W. Tozer

Slow Theology in this podcast series, scholars Nijay Gupta and A.J. Swoboda walk through much of the creed
I believe
Jesus (incarnation)
Jesus (atonement)
Holy Spirit

Credo by Thomas Oden

The Apostles’ Creed a video with multiple theologians walking through the creed

Creed by Rich Mullins

If you have a story to share about how you have been encountering God in this season, we would love to hear it

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