“God’s invitations are meant to mend, shape, anchor and grow us into the character of Jesus. They call us into our true selves in Christ…Invitations from the Holy One serve God’s dream for the world. They don’t call me to become what I produce, what others think of me or what I know. They invite me to be free. And freedom comes from being an intentional follower of Jesus.” (Adele Calhoun, Invitations from God)
Hi Practice Friends.  We are very excited that you are considering joining us for the Practice 4-week journey of Formation and Art, including an introduction to the Enneagram and a deeper dive into the practices of journaling, 3-way listening, silence and solitude, and centering prayer. We will be taking a deeper dive into the book Invitations from God: Accepting God’s Offer to Rest, Weep, Forgive, Wait, Remember and More by Adele Calhoun. Reading the book is not at all required, but here is a link if you are interested in following along.

Join us for one week or join us for all!  

Time Frame
Thursdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
July 14, 21, 28 and August 4

Willow Creek South Barrington
Room B204 (near the Chapel – Entrance B)

Week #1 – July 14 – Invitation to Participate in Your Own Healing
Practice – Enneagram

Week #2 – July 21 – Invitation to Practice the Presence of People
Practice – 3-Way Listening/Journaling/Art

Week #3 – July 28 – Invitation to Rest
Practice – Silence and Solitude/Journaling/Art

Week #4 – August 4 – Invitation to Wait
Practice – Centering Prayer/Journaling/Art

On the first Thursday (July 14th) we will be offering an introduction to the Enneagram. The Enneagram is a tool that many have found useful on the spiritual journey. Here is a helpful article describing the Enneagram:  Letting Go of the False Self: How the Enneagram Can Help You Find the True You by Alice Fryling.If you’re interest in taking an online Enneagram assessment, we recommend this one: Enneagram Assessment.  (Taking the assessment is not required to participate on Thursday nights.)
If you have any questions, feel free to email Lori at [email protected] or call 847-508-0282.
Looking forward to journeying with you!
Lori Shoults and Sarah Carter