Last night, we continued our time in practices of listening to God in community. Following a beautiful liturgy focused on the theme of walking with Jesus, we considered the importance of listening well. We explored the concept of “holding space.” When we hold space, we set ourselves aside in order to be fully present to another person. We allow her or him to feel what they need to feel, name what needs to be named, receive what needs to be received, and be who they were created to be all in the loving presence of God.
We then engaged a practice that helps us to hold space for one another, listening groups. In her book Seeking God Together, Alice Fryling says that listening groups “provide a place where individuals can experience what it means to be listened to and loved by others, so that they can learn to listen more attentively to God in their daily lives and be used by God to spread God’s grace and love throughout the world.”
This season at The Practice, we will be offering listening groups as a practice of formational community. Beginning on 10/14, all who are interested will gather in smaller groups to hold space and grow in community. If you are interested in joining a listening group, please let us know.
Kingdom Practices
This week, let’s continue to tend to whatever we heard from God in our time together in listening groups. If you were left with some questions to ponder, let’s ponder those questions. If God spoke some truth, let’s rest in that truth. If you sensed an invitation from God, let’s respond to that invitation.
We also want to spend some time in the coming weeks examining our spiritual practices of community. Anyone who is following Jesus will engage some kind of formational community. There are a number of practices that help us to live more fully in God’s presence in community. Spiritual direction, spiritual friendships, small groups, Practice Tables, and listening groups are just a few. If you don’t have a regular practice, what might God be inviting you into in this season? If you do have a practice, how is it helping you to live more fully in God’s presence? How are you being formed through your practice?