In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. Last year we began our journey walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11), the blessing (Genesis 12-50), the exodus, the wilderness, and the Promised Land. If you missed the previous series, you can check out the links above.

In this series, we will explore the period of the kings from Saul through the fall of the Northern Kingdom and Judah. We will notice how the stories of these kings echo all the way back to the garden. How do the Israelites and their kings respond to that choice to submit to the reign and rule of Yahweh or choose what is right in their own eyes? And how might we see our own stories reflected in the story of scripture?  

Week 1: King Saul 
This week, we started our journey through Samuel and Kings. We noticed God’s desire to be treated like a king and the people’s resistance that led to Samuel annointing Saul to be king. Instead of being a nation of priests who image God to the world, the people wanted to be like the other nations.

Kingdom Practice
This week, let’s continue to walk in the story of Saul. If there was anything in the story that stood out to you, continue to walk with what you noticed. Mull it over and reflect on it. See what God might have to show you. We also might consider reading the text together. What if we committed to read 1 Samuel together this week?

Week 2: King David
October 13 with Nicole Howe

Week 3: The Northern Kingdom and Judah
October 20 with Jason Feffer

Additional Resources

The Lost World of the Torah by John Walton
The Presence of God by J. Ryan Lister
Wisdom for Faithful Reading by John Walton

1 Samuel and 2 Samuel video overviews from The Bible Project
1 & 2 Kings a video overview from The Bible Project
1 & 2 Chronicles a video overview from The Bible Project

If you have a story to share about how you have been encountering God in this season, we would love to hear it

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