On Sunday night, we learned from two contemplative activists – Phileena Heuertz and Lynne Hybels – about the discipline of Centering Prayer. As you practice this week, here are a few more wise thoughts. So helpful!
(1) After The Practice, we sat down with Phileena to ask her advice for those of us who are giving Centering Prayer a try this week…
(2) A few years ago, Lynne wrote a letter to her dad about Centering Prayer. This is a wonderful, loving, and humble explanation of the ancient practice…
Centering Prayer
Lynne Hybels
In 1999, my father had a heart attack. Though he eventually recovered fully, his recuperation was slow and accompanied by extreme anxiety. While praying for him one morning, I decided to share with him a spiritual discipline that had been helping me. I wrote him a lengthy letter, explaining this discipline. I think the letter served him well, but I know it has served me well, for each time I get careless in this discipline I reread this letter to remind myself why I started this to begin with and why I need to continue.
Read Lynne Hybels’ Letter to her Father
Finally, please remember to be compassionate with yourself as you begin this practice. Centering Prayer is not something to achieve or conquer…but simply a way to allow ourselves to get swept up in God’s unforced rhythms of Grace. It’s all Grace!
Blessings as you get swept up…
Aaron and The Practice team
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I learned of this type of prayer many years ago. It is beyond words the depth of connection between God and my soul and spirit that I experience. It is a depth of intimacy that almost leaves one exhausted then rejuvenated. I so agree with Lynne discussing the healing that took place deep inside her — really inexplainable until it is experienced.
Thank you for sharing Lynne’s letter…so clear. I appreciate the “still the waters of the soul” illustration.