12.15.19 Invitation to be Present with God

On 12.15.19, Sam Tinken continued our journey of practicing the presence of God this Advent season. How does the practice of waiting help us to find meaning in the moment? Kingdom Practices This week, how might we embrace the multitude of opportunities to wait in the...

12.8.19 Invitation to be present with God

On 12.8.19, Jason Feffer invited us to the practice expressed in the life of Brother Lawrence, the practice of the presence of God. How might we live fully present with God in our everyday life? Kingdom Practices Our invitation in this Advent season is to cultivate...

11.24.19 Invitation to Doubt

On 11.24.19, Eric Case helped us explore God’s invitation to doubt. What if faith and doubt are not opposed to one another? What of doubt is an inevitable part of the faith journey, and God only calls us to respond with the faith we do have, not the faith we...

11.17.19 Invitation to Wrestle with God

We don’t often talk about doubt in church. Perhaps we don’t know what to do with doubt, or we are afraid of what it means to wrestle with God. But not only is doubt a normal part of our spiritual journey, times of wrestling can actually be some of the most...

11.3.19 Invitation to Respond (part 2)

Sunday night, our journey of stillness and response continued as we listened for God’s invitation for us in this season. Brad and Ben shared their stories of how God has been inviting them into the work of reconciliation in the world, Brad in prison ministry and Ben...