4.8.18 Resurrection Joy

What a beautiful night of entering into the joy of the Easter season. Our opening liturgy carried us into the celebration of Easter in song and scripture. Then our good friend Sibyl Towner guided us in a contemplation on the risen Christ. We acknowledged there is work...

2.25.18 Agony in the Garden

Last night, we went deep into the Garden of Gethsemane. Our opening liturgy tuned our hearts to the season of Lent. Then, Ashlee brilliantly brought us into the garden with Jesus. I continue to ponder the support God sent to Jesus in his agony and God’s presence...

2.11.18 Journey to the Cross

Last night was such a deep and wonderful service. Dr. Warren Anderson and the Judson University Choir led us in our opening liturgy. What a gift it is to be so beautifully led by a full choir! Then Father Michael led us into the third movement of the Spiritual...

1.28.18 The Rite of Forgiveness

Friends, I am so grateful for our community. I am grateful to be a part of a community that is willing to learn from and engage practices from deep streams of the Christian tradition that are different than ours. Last night we welcomed Eastern Orthodox teacher and...

1.21.18 The Public Life of Christ

Last night, we continued our contemplation of the life and ministry of Christ. Gail Donahue led us through a meaningful exploration of hospitality. Hospitality is more than table settings, well cooked meals, and welcoming people into our homes. We can extend...