1.19.20 Living the Liturgy: Worship

On January 19th, Sam Tinken helped us explore why we worship the way we do at The Practice. This is the second week in a series focused on the core elements of our gatherings. Kingdom Practices This week, let’s continue to engage our bodies in prayer. How might we...

10.13.19 Invitation to Stillness (part 2)

Sunday night, we continued our five-week journey of stillness and response. There is a temptation with the journey of formation to focus inward and remain there, but a wholistic experience of spiritual formation will always include an outward expression. Our formation...

6.9.19 Invitation to Retreat

Sunday night, we were led by Gail Donahue and Joan Kelley as we continued to discern how God is inviting us into a rhythm of retreat this summer. In the stillness of retreat, Gail taught, God reminds us of our identity as God’s beloved children and what God intends...