Practice Kids: a four week experiment

Exciting news! For the four weeks of our Living the Liturgy series (May 15 & 22, June 5 & 12) we will be offering a safe, secure space for kids while their parents participate in our worship gathering. This four-week experiment will help us assess how we can...

Pastors Retreat in February

Over the last two years, we’ve heard from a number of pastors, priests, and worship leaders who are on a similar journey–dreaming and experimenting with ways to align historic Christian practices with the modern world. It’s been deeply inspiring to...

The Next Four Weeks

This fall, we’re learning to align the rhythms of our lives to God’s “unforced rhythms of Grace,” for the sake of the world. It’s been quite a journey so far.  After naming our deep desires and exploring the foundational practice of...

This Fall at The Practice

After a month of listening and communal discernment (June), a staff retreat (July), and a series of incredibly helpful conversations with many of you in the community (August), we are thrilled to share the direction for this year at The Practice… RHYTHM:...