Free: November at The Practice

This fall, our “Practices for The Suburban Stronghold” have been all about FREEDOM. In September, Centering Prayer invited us to get FREE from the noise of our world, and the noise in our heads. We learned how to daily turn our thoughts over to Christ and...


Rest.  What a wonderful word.  My soul longs for deep rest.  The kind of rest that allows my mind to settle, my eyes to open, my body to still, and laughter to come easily.  The kind of rest where I remember that I am not holding the world together.  The kind of rest...

Preparing to Explore The Sabbath

Hi friends.  As we prepare to engage The Sabbath this month, may I introduce you to a pastor, mentor, and friend who models Sabbath-keeping better than anyone I know:  Pete Scazzero.  Pete is a hard-charging pastor from Queens who almost blew up his life, marriage,...

Sabbath for the Suburban Stronghold

This fall, we are learning four Practices For The Suburban Stronghold:  Centering Prayer, Sabbath, Solitude, and Advent. Our little community is trying to follow Jesus’ invitation of “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you...