Current Series


Join us for our series, Encountering the Messiah.

3/2 Encountering the Messiah: Transfiguration with Dr. Gary Burge

The first week of March, we will return to the series we started in January celebrating and reflecting on some of the key moments in Christ’s story. In this series, we will examine these moments and consider how we encounter our Messiah in the midst of the story. (One note on the schedule… to align with the church calendar, we will  hold off on the final week and the transfiguration until Transfiguration Sunday on March 2nd.)

Will you join us? (in person on livestreaming on YouTube)

3/9 Jesus-Shaped Life: An Experiment with Jason Feffer
3/16 Jesus-Shaped Life: An Experiment with Eric Haskins
3/23 Jesus-Shaped Life: An Experiment with Casey Tygrett
3/30 Jesus-Shaped Life: An Experiment: Practice Tables
4/6 Jesus-Shaped Life: An Experiment with Rebecca Moss
4/13 Jesus-Shaped Life: An Experiment: Table Reflections

During the season of Lent, we will practice an experiment together. These experiments give us an opportunity to reflect on our lives and intentionally participate in practices that will help us be formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world. 

In this experiement, we will consider how we might live a Jesus-shaped life. How do we put ourselves first and avoid taking up our cross to follow Jesus? And how might we, with the help of Lent’s traditional practices of fasting, alms giving, and prayer allow ourselves to follow Jesus in dying to ourselves for the sake of the world?

Will you join us? (in person on livestreaming on YouTube)