Advent: Longing for Jesus

Advent is a season of waiting and longing. Through history, the church has identified the weeks leading up to Christmas as a time of preparation, a season to notice our deep and innate longing for Jesus. We anticipate the coming of the Christ child and his presence...

Faith Like a Child

In the Gospels, Jesus shows great affection towards children. In Matthew, he says “unless you turn from your sins and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom.” In her wonderful book, Faith Like a Child, our friend Lacy Borgo writes, “Our first and...

For the Sake of the World: an experiment

Our formation is never for our own benefit alone. It is always for the sake of the world. Trevor Hudson has said, “The kingdom of God is creation healed.” This month, we ask how is each of us being invited to partner with God in that healing. Whether we know exactly...

Walking in the Exodus

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. After spending time earlier this year walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11) and the blessing (Genesis...